
Resolume 5 ir cosmic pack
Resolume 5 ir cosmic pack

Takaaki Kajita’s work with the successor instrument Super-Kamiokande showing that neutrinos have mass was recognised by the Nobel Prize in Physics 2015. Masatoshi Koshiba shared the Nobel Prize in Physics 2002 for the detection of cosmic neutrinos using Kamiokande. Japan’s efforts in non-electromagnetic observations have been recognised by two Nobel Prizes. Multi-messenger astronomy involves o bserving the same object through different signals ranging from radio waves to visible light and gamma rays, as well as non-electromagnetic messengers such as gravitational waves and neutrinos. And Japan played multiple critical roles in the dawning of this new field. This was a watershed in the emerging field of multi-messenger astronomy, discoveries enabled by the combination of unconventional observatories, optical/infrared telescopes, and simulation. This helps explain the origin of these elements which are now vital to modern society. The close match between the simulation and the observations showed that a kilonova produces 10,000 times the mass of the Earth worth of rare earth elements and precious metals such as gold.

resolume 5 ir cosmic pack

The kilonova simulation had been conducted by the dedicated astronomy supercomputer ATERUI at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). It was a kilonova, a theoretically predicted phenomenon associated with neutron star mergers. Telescopes around the world including the Subaru Telescope, Japan’s flagship 8.2-m optical infrared telescope, and the InfraRed Survey Facility (IRSF) led by Nagoya University, a member of Japan’s OISTER (Optical and Infrared Synergetic Telescopes for Education and Research) network of small telescopes, conducted follow-up observations and identified the optical and infrared counterparts of the gravitational wave source. On August 17, 2017, gravitational wave observatories issued an alert triggered by the detection of tiny distortions in space-time produced by the merger of binary neutron stars.

resolume 5 ir cosmic pack

© Sripfoto NAOJ Director General Saku Tsuneta explains Japan’s strategy of using both large and small facilities for multi-messenger astronomy

Resolume 5 ir cosmic pack